Admissions are now open for Pakistan Marine Academy’s 83rd batch of marine engineering and nautical (deck) cadets, which will begin their session in 2025–2026.
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Qualifications for Eligibility:
Citizenship: Male citizens of Pakistan who are single.
Age Restrictions: By December 31, 2024, no one may be older than 20.
As of December 31, 2024, FATA/Gilgit-Baltistan/AJK/Balochistan: No older than 21 years old (one-year age relaxation).
Academic Qualification:
- A-Level Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics with at least 55% of the possible points, or an F.Sc. Pre-Engineering degree.
- Applications from candidates with O/A Levels require the submission of an Equivalency Certificate.
Candidates who appeared in F.Sc. or A-Level Part-II and received at least 60% in Part-I may also apply, but they must submit a Hope Certificate from the relevant college or institute. - At any point throughout the selection process or during training, disqualification will occur if, after presenting a Hope Certificate, the candidate does not receive 55% of the possible points in F.Sc.
How to Join:
The PMA Admission Office can provide the Prospectus and Application Form, or they can be accessed from the PMA website at
Submission: The filled-out application form should be sent by courier to Pakistan Marine Academy, Karachi, National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), PMA Branch Code-0239, together with a pay order or bank draft for Rs. 3,500. Any bank can send a pay order or bank draft.
Self Finance Scheme (SFS): In addition to the application form, candidates applying under the SFS must also submit a pay order or bank draft for Rs. 300,000/-. If the candidate is not eligible for PMA or is chosen based only on merit, the SFS money will be reimbursed.
Selection Procedure:
Entrance Exam: Held at a number of sites, including Rawalpindi, Abbottabad, Gwadar, Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, and Sukkur.
A minimum of 50% in order to be eligible.
Medical Exam: At approved Army/Navy Hospitals for selected individuals.
Final Selection: Based on merit, which includes final interview, physical efficiency test (PET), medical, entrance exam, and F.Sc. scores.
The medical examination will be followed by PET and interviews.
Dates for the final interview and PET will be sent to candidates through SMS and updated on the PMA website.
- Running: 1 mile (1.6 km) in 8 minutes.
- Push-ups: 15 repetitions.
- Sit-ups: 15 repetitions.
- Chin-ups: 2 repetitions.
Training/Education & Degrees/Certificates Granted:
- Training: 2 years residential training at PMA.
- Degrees/Certificates:
- Associate Degree in Nautical Science and Marine Engineering awarded by NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi.
- Certificates of International Maritime Organization (IMO) recognized Pre-Sea Mandatory Courses.
- Need-based Scholarships: 33 scholarships sponsored by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs.
- Distribution:
- Balochistan: 15
- KPK: 06
- Punjab: 06
- Sindh: 06
- Distribution:
- submission of fake or manipulated academic credentials.
- information hiding or insufficient application.
- dismissal from any academy or training facility due to misconduct or subpar academic standing.
- dismissal from the military or the government.
- conviction for morally repugnant offenses by a court of law.
- Those who are color blind or deemed medically unsuitable by an Armed Forces hospital.
- Those with diplomas (DAE) and those whose subjects do not combine are not eligible.
Last Date for Form Submission: September 6, 2024
Entrance Test Date: September 22, 2024 (Sunday)

Ahsan Blogger is a professional education content writer, who have 8 year plus experience in writing. The 50% content of is written by Blogger Ahsan. He is working on categories like Education & Jobs Updates, Results, Merit list and Roll number slip.